Are your representatives Protectors, Procrastinators, or Prehistoric thinkers? EU Parliament Scoreboard

Posted on April, 15 2024

Over the past five years, the European Parliament has faced the critical task of tackling the twin crises of biodiversity loss and climate change, both posing severe threats to our wellbeing and future. However, our research reveals a stark reality: merely a minority of MEPs during the 2019-2024 mandate have truly acted as “Protectors” of our planet and the European Green Deal. The majority of MEPs have taken on the roles of either “Procrastinators” or “Prehistoric thinkers”, obstructing substantive progress with patchy and inconsistent voting records. Alarmingly, many have completely failed to tackle the urgent crises Europe is facing.


In collaboration with BirdLife Europe, Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe, European Environmental Bureau, and Transport & Environment, we have meticulously analysed voting records of MEPs over the last five years. The performance of political parties in the European Parliament during 2019-2024 was evaluated across votes on 30 EU laws focused on climate-neutral and socially just transition, nature positivity, and zero pollution and circular economy.

Use the interactive tool below to get an overview of the voting performance of your national political parties and European Parliamentary Groups.

The results of our analysis are also available in this report.

EU Scoreboard
© BirdLife Europe, CAN Europe, EEB, T&E, WWF EPO