Joint NGO assessment: Will CAP eco-schemes be worth their name?

Posted on November, 30 2021

This report is the first attempt to catalogue and assess eco-schemes from across the EU, offering groundbreaking insights into how approximately €48.5 bn of EU funding will be spent in the post-2022 Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).
The assessment was conducted jointly by WWF, Birdlife Europe and the European Environmental Bureau (EEB) to see how likely the eco-schemes currently being drafted by the Member States as part of their CAP Strategic Plans (CSPs) are to deliver for environment and climate and align with the objectives of the European Green Deal.

Member States have until 1 January 2022 to submit their CSPs to the European Commission. The report covers draft eco-schemes from 21 Member States and finds that most fall very short of expectations:
  • Only 19% of eco-schemes are deemed likely to deliver on their stated environmental objectives;
  • 40% would need significant improvements to be effective;
  • 41% are completely misaligned.
What’s more, many well-designed schemes that are likely to deliver are either underfunded or likely to be outcompeted by less demanding and/or more financially attractive schemes.

The information in the assessment is based on draft CSPs and information available as of mid-November 2021. Although the draft national CAP Plans are subject to further changes before their formal submission to the Commission at the end of this year, they do serve as a good indication of how some €48,5 bn of EU funding is spent in the post-2022 CAP.
Will CAP eco-schemes be worth their name?