EU Elections 2024

Posted on November, 06 2023

WWF urges putting the wellbeing of people and nature at the heart of our politics
In a world where Europeans and communities across the globe are suffering from the urgent challenges of climate change, biodiversity loss, and various other pressing issues, the 2024 EU elections offer a critical opportunity to pave the way for a safer, more resilient, and more equitable future.

Over the next five years, political leaders must continue to build on the European Green Deal initiated in 2019 and prioritise an inclusive transition to a sustainable economy. This means addressing inequalities, ending European dependence on fossil fuels, and prioritising nature’s health to ensure our safety and resilience.

We are truly at a pivotal point. Global efforts to meet climate and nature conservation goals have fallen short, and the window of opportunity to avoid irreversible damage is quickly closing — but nature can be our best ally.

WWF has launched its asks for the EU elections to urge our political leaders to prioritise three crucial actions to ensure the well-being of our citizens while mitigating the climate and biodiversity crises. 

1. End fossil fuel dependence

The EU must establish a target of achieving climate neutrality by 2040, aligning our agenda with the 1.5°C target and complying with the Paris Climate Agreement to avert the most severe impacts of the climate crisis. 

2. Prioritise nature for safety and resilience
The EU must embrace natural solutions to fight climate change, and fix our broken food system that is harming our health, the environment, and the livelihood of many farmers. 

3. Leave no-one behind
The EU must transform its economy by redirecting all detrimental public spending on fossil fuels and nature-degrading activities towards the ecological transition. In this process, it is crucial that vulnerable households receive the support necessary for a smooth, equitable transition.

Through the 2024 Elections campaign, WWF strives to shed light on this decisive moment by empowering you with knowledge you can use to make meaningful change. Learn more about WWF’s recommendations towards a safer and more resilient future on our website or download them here (PDF).
WWF urges putting the wellbeing of people and nature at the heart of our politics
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