A new EU Environmental Crime Directive

Posted on March, 01 2022

The European Commission's proposal for a new Environmental Crime Directive aims at stepping up the fight against environmental crime, the third most lucrative category of crime globally.
WWF is supportive of the proposal which contains a number of promising elements that need to be secured in the upcoming negotiations between the European Parliament and Council to ensure that the adopted Directive is strong and ambitious enough. 

Nonetheless, there is still room for improvement, especially regarding the scope of the Directive, the definitions provided in the text, the sanction levels and their scope, and the implementing provisions. It is crucial to address all of those points to make sure that the future Directive provides the EU and its Member States with the means to fulfil their commitments towards environmental protection.

This position paper provides an overview of WWF recommendations for strengthening the Commission's proposal.
Peregrine falcon
© Ola Jennersten / WWF-Sweden