COP27 fails to turn promises into action despite EU U-turn on loss & damage

Posted on November, 19 2022

WWF argues that ambition has not advanced since COP26 in Glasgow. The world cannot afford to have another COP like this one that fails to increase ambition, finance and credibility.
Manuel Pulgar-Vidal, WWF Global Climate and Energy Lead, and COP20 President, said: “The loss and damage deal agreed is a positive step, but it risks becoming a ‘fund for the end of the world’ if countries don’t move faster to slash emissions and limit warming to below 1.5C. By failing to agree to phase-out fossil fuels at COP27, leaders have failed to strengthen the signal that the fossil fuel era is coming to an end and are keeping us on course to climate catastrophe. Without rapid and deep emissions cuts we cannot limit the scale of loss and damage. The COP28 climate summit next year must be the COP of climate credibility. And countries must deliver.”

Shirley Matheson, Global NDC Enhancement Coordinator at WWF European Policy Office added “The European Union showed flexibility in some key areas, especially its shifting stance towards supporting loss and damage finance. The failure to commit to phasing out fossil fuels means Governments are not tackling the problem of climate change. While the EU position at COP27 was a very positive one on fossil fuel phase-out, EU leaders must also act on this rhetoric and take ambitious steps to accelerate the just transition to renewable energy as it shifts away from Russian gas.”

“With this year’s talks implying that multilateral solidarity on climate change is stalling, the European Union must demonstrate good faith on the strong statements made during COP27. In particular, the delivery of the Fit for 55 package must make good on Timmermans’ claim that the EU will over-deliver on its current NDC, and the promised enhanced NDC in 2023 must deliver Paris Agreement aligned ambition, including a 2030 target of at least 65%. It is also important that the EU doubles efforts on climate diplomacy to make sure we don't lose the principles of 1.5°C as a result of this failure in Sharm El Sheikh,” continues Shirley Matheson.

Manuel Pulgar-Vidal concludes “We must not allow this to derail vital action to stop the climate crisis spiralling out of control. Every delay puts more people at risk. Every delay risks eroding trust. We must use this moment to redouble our efforts and ensure trust is restored in the collaborative multilateral approach to tackling the climate crisis. Leaders must not allow future COP presidencies to squander the opportunity to make crucial strides on cutting emissions, delivering finance and building resilience.” 
EU Commission Vice-President Frans Timmermans at the COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh.
© Bernt Nordman, WWF Finland